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Developers of software and databases containing Area Code, U.S. switching centers, NPA, NXX, Exchange, LATA, Telephone company, CLEC, CLLI Code, Vertical, Horizontal, Latitude Longitude, Mileage, NECA FCC Tariff #4


C.O. Finder! TM  Data Export Options

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A Powerhouse of telecommunications data bundled into one application!

You can export all or a portion of the data in C.O. Finder! so that it can be manipulated, sorted, viewed or used in your own applications.

Optional Feature: $500 per year in addition to subscription


Basic Operation

Sorting Options


Distance To

Export Options

Billing Percents


Download Export Data Samples:

Microsoft Access (ExportSample.mdb)

Microsoft Excel (ExportSample.xls)

Tab Delimited (ExportSample.txt)

Comma Delimited (ExportSample.csv)


Select the states and features you want to export and then press the Go button.  The data is exported into the format or your choice.  We also build custom formats.
Additional Data Information
LATALIST Table: Contains LATA Number and LATA Name
Locations Table: Contains information relative to each geographically unique location.

LocationID: This is a combination of the vertical and horizontal coordinates.  Since the same geographic point may be listed to different street names, there could be more than one listing for the same point.  In this case, C.O. Finder! will list the most prevalent address first and then list alternative addresses in order of confidence.

GeoCode: Standardized code representing the State, County and Locality indicator for taxes, etc.

OFFICECODECOMBO Table: Contains a list of the NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association) standard central office feature codes and a brief description of their meaning.
STATELIST Table: Contains each state abbreviation, full name and assigns it to a group for sorting purposes.
TELCOS Table: Contains all the relevant information about the carriers

Telconumber: Official Carrier Number or Operating Carrier Number (OCN) that is assigned by the regulatory agencies

Telcotype: This is the NECA ASEC (Area Specific Exchange Carrier) type. 

Carrier Types:
Time Zone Table: Shows GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) offset and a description of that zone.