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Developers of software and databases containing Area Code, U.S. switching centers, NPA, NXX, Exchange, LATA, Telephone company, CLEC, CLLI Code, Vertical, Horizontal, Latitude Longitude, Mileage, NECA FCC Tariff #4


C.O. Finder! TM  Basic Operation

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To quickest way to find a C.O. is to use the Quick Finder Buttons as highlighted below.

Basic Operation

Sorting Options


Distance To

Export Options

Billing Percents

For example to find the NPANXX 407290; Press either of the NXX buttons, Enter 407290 then press enter.
C.O. Finder! displays all of the C.O. information.  Press the Details button for even more detail.
Neca Standard Feature Codes are displayed for each C.O.  Double Click on the list for an abbreviated description of each feature code.
NXX's are listed for each of the C.O.'s.  If an NXX is broken down into number ranges it will be listed with the number range in brackets.
Distances between these 2 C.O.'s are shown on the mileage button in the middle of the screen.  By default the mileage is calculated using the NECA standard "rounded up" method.

Press the mileage button to see the actual mileage.

 Click on Latitude/Longitude to get the coordinates converted to Latitude Longitude.  The Latitude Longitude Calculator can also be used to enter coordinates and convert back and forth between Latitude Longitude and Vertical Horizontal Coordinates (V&H).  Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) is used by some long distance carriers between rate center locations.
To find a CLLI code, press either CLLI button.  Enter the entire 11 character CLLI code or just the first portion of it.  The first CLLI code matching your entry will be displayed.  All other CLLI's are sorted in Alphabetical order and can be viewed using the Scroll arrows.

C.O. Finder! searches in the current data set first to find a match.  For example; if you are in the 407 area code and you enter "ORL" the first CLLI code beginning with "ORL" will be displayed if there is one.  If you enter at least 6 characters other states will be searched in an attempt to find a match.  If less than 6 characters are entered then only the current data set will be searched.  For example if enter "ORLDFL", Florida (FL) will be searched since all Florida CLLI codes contain "FL" as their 5th and 6th characters. 

To find an Exchange press either Exchange button.  Exchange names normally are the same as the city but not always.  Enter the entire Exchange or just the first portion of it.  The first Exchange matching your entry will be displayed.  All other Exchanges are sorted in Alphabetical order and can be viewed using the Scroll arrows.

C.O. Finder! only searches in the current data set to find a match.  For example; if you are looking for something in the Orlando Exchange you will first have to select a data set that you know contains Orlando.  For example you should first select either the entire state of Florida, The 407 area code or the 458 LATA.  IE you couldn't select Florida and expect it to find the San Francisco Exchange.  

Another example is; let's say you are looking for an area like Daytona Beach.  You're not sure how to spell it but you're pretty sure it's in Florida.  All you have to do it select FL from the state list, press the Exchange button then enter "DAY".  Daytona Beach is quickly found.  All of the records can then be scrolled though using the Scroll arrows.

The coordinates buttons are used to find a location using geographic coordinates.  Either Latitude Longitude can be used or the industry standard Vertical and Horizontal (V&H) coordinates.  C.O. Finder! searches all states to find either an exact match or a close match.  In this case an exact match is found.
Since C.O. Finder! will find the closest match, we can use this to locate the closest Central Office to our location.

For example; Let's say we get a really good deal on some property in Death Valley where cell phone service is in desperate need.  There's plenty of room to build our cell phone tower but now we have to connect to the closest land based facility.  We use our GPS to find our coordinates which are Latitude 36 - 27 - 45, Longitude 116 - 51 - 36.  C.O. Finder! quickly locates a Pacific Bell Central Office in the Furnace Creed Exchange only 0.31 miles away!