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Developers of software and databases containing Area Code, U.S. switching centers, NPA, NXX, Exchange, LATA, Telephone company, CLEC, CLLI Code, Vertical, Horizontal, Latitude Longitude, Mileage, NECA FCC Tariff #4

LatLongFinder!™ for Windows

Need Latitude and Longitude Precalculated in Your C.O. Finder! Databases ?

$250.00 Complete

(runs on all future updates)

wpe2.gif (20710 bytes)

Now you can press a button and have Latitude and Longitude data added as additional fields in your C.O. Finder! databases. This is useful if you use C.O. Finder! databases in your own applications and require direct access to Latitude and Longitude without using the Latitude/Longitude calculator included with C.O. Finder!

Here's how the database looks after adding the Lat/Long fields:

C.O. Finder! and LatLongFinder! are trademarks and copyrights of Stuff Software.

Stuff Software